Demographics of Turkey

جمعیت شناسی ترکیه
Demographics of Turkey

According to the United Nations (UN) demographic data, the population of Turkey in 2019 is estimated at 83.8 million. Accordingly, the population of Turkey is equal to 1.08% of the total world population. Turkey is also ranked 17th in the world in terms of population. 75.2% of Turkey’s population (about 62 million people) are urban. But important questions that may come to the minds of applicants for immigration to Turkey regarding the population of Turkey are:

Demographics of Turkey

What is the total population of Turkey in 2019?
What are the most populous cities in Turkey?
Is the standard of living of the population high in Turkey?
Turkey was a country between Eastern Europe and Western Asia with cultural ties to the empires of Greece, Iran, ancient Rome, Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire. The predominant language and culture of the Turkish people is Turkish. The current government is a single multi-party republic and the current president is Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey is located in West Asia and is strategically the bridge between Europe and Asia. As the name implies, the population of Turkey is mainly Turkish, which makes up 75% of the total population; The Kurds, on the other hand, make up only 18% of the country’s population. Other ethnic groups, such as Armenians, Turkmen, Arabs, and Azeris, make up about 17% of the country’s population. It is necessary to know that the official and common language of the Turkish people is Istanbul Turkish and the minorities of this country also speak other languages.

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Turkey population in 2019

Statistics show that the population of Turkey is a relatively young population, as the average age of the population is about 30 years. To better understand this issue, refer to this statistical analysis; Approximately 27% of the total population of Turkey is aged 0 to 14 years and 67% of this population is in the age group of 15 to 64 years, only about 6% are over 64 years old. The average age of the Turkish population is about 30.2 years. It is good to know that life expectancy in Turkey is around 75 years old.

Population of Turkish cities

Standard of living in Turkey

Over the past two decades, Turkey has made significant progress in improving the quality of life of its citizens. Turkey ranks higher than the global average in terms of civic participation, but ranks lower than average in terms of income and wealth, health status, social relations, education and skills, jobs, environmental quality, work-life balance, housing and personal security. Has. The average per capita net household income in Turkey is lower than the OECD average of $ 33,604. In terms of employment, 52% of people aged 15 to 64 in Turkey are employed, but the income of Turkish workers is still below the OECD average.

Indicators statistics Ratios
Purchasing power index 42.62 % Very low
Security indicators 60.29 % Top
Medical care index 69.74 % Top
Climate index 93.26 % too high
Living expenses index 35.47 % Very low
Property price to income ratio index 8.37 % medium
Travel time index 8.37 % medium
Pollution criteria 68.40 % Top
Quality of life index 126.44 % Top
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Population of Turkish cities

When it comes to the size of countries, Turkey is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of size and population, so that it is the 37th largest country in the world in terms of size. In addition, Turkey has some big cities and famous metropolitan areas in the world. The most populous city in Turkey is Istanbul with a population of 14 million people, which is on the list of important cities in Turkey, Istanbul is not only the largest city in Turkey but also the eighth largest city in the world.

City Number of population
Istanbul 14804116
Ankara 3517182
Izmir 2500603
Bursa 1412701
Adana 1248988
Gaziantep 1065975
Konya 875530
Çankaya 792189

Turkey population forecast for 2024

The available statistics show the rate of population growth and population growth in Turkey, meanwhile Istanbul is still the leader in population growth in Turkey. By 2024, Turkey’s population is projected to reach about 100 million.

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