Turkey (+3 GMT):

Study in Turkey

دانشگاه های ترکیه

Turkish universities

The existence of quality universities and the relatively low cost of universities in Turkey is one of the reasons for choosing Turkish universities to continue their studies. Turkey is very interested in attracting students ...

هزینه تحصیل در ترکیه

Study in Turkey

Applying to immigrate to Turkey through education is a very important goal on which people's lives and future depend. That is why it is always the applicants before starting this work with ...


Tuition fees in Turkey

There are many incentives to study in Turkey, including the right cost of education, good quality of education, the opportunity to receive scholarships, monthly allowances, expenses ...

YÖSآزمون یوس

YOS test

The US exam is the most important entrance exam for public and medical universities as well as dental universities in Turkey, which is held only once a year. This test is for ...

TÖMER آزمون تومر

tomer test

Tomer exam is one of the main entrance exams to prestigious universities in Turkey. Every year, many students apply for visas to continue their studies in Turkish universities ...

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