Turkey (+3 GMT):

Hire a lawyer or consultant

We provide you with a list of independent lawyers who speak your language in Istanbul

Lawyers who speak your language

If you are buying a property in Turkey, 4K Group has a contract for the sale of your property which has been prepared by the company’s lawyers. In any transaction, we act as an arbiter between the seller and the buyer, we just want to complete the transaction professionally.

For each transaction, we set up a personal agreement that is set by the attorneys on the terms. When we add a new work sample, we check the credit of the construction company. We guarantee that you will buy the property directly from the owner. We are confident that we will execute thousands of agreements each year with the function of “zero failure”.

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We have a list of independent lawyers who speak several languages in addition to English. If you prefer, we can introduce one of them to you.

What do lawyers do for you?

1. Examining the legal documents of a property
Lawyer or consultant

The process of buying a property can be different in each country. There are different requirements and standards in each country. Since most foreign buyers have no experience in the property buying process in Turkey, we recommend that you deal with a reputable and professional real estate company with several branch offices and years of experience.

The most important aspect of buying a property is finding the right side and trusting the seller in selling the property that shows you. These issues and your money will be covered by lawyers with a report with sufficient accuracy.

  • A) When you decide to buy, the initial checks in the property deed are made by a lawyer to cover, if any. Basement, mortgage debt, collateral, tax debt, other debts and expenses; Whether it is free or not. The verification of the property is done as it is written in the property document.
  • B) Lawyers also review relevant licenses such as construction licenses and planning licenses.
2. Contract for the purchase of real estate in Turkey
Examine the legal documents of a property

With the help of the client, the lawyer can make the purchase process safe and comfortable for her clients:

  • If there is a reservation agreement that specifies the terms of the negotiation between the parties, the lawyer must adjust the purchase agreement accordingly.
  • If the parties have not signed the contract, the lawyer will arrange the purchase contract to satisfy all parties by legitimizing your demands.
  • In cases where a contract has already been made, the lawyer must review the contract to ensure that the client’s interests are not compromised and are perfectly legal.
3. Arranging a contract for investment
Lawyer fees in Turkey
The booking contract guarantees the property in the customer’s name and guarantees the agreed price and terms of sale. It also shows that the payment made as a deposit payment guarantees the terms of the agreed contract.
4. The cost of dealing with a lawyer in Turkey
The cost of dealing with a lawyer in Turkey

The cost of legal services for lawyers in Turkey is 1% of the purchase price of the property and at least US $ 1,750 + 18% VAT. This cost can vary from lawyer to lawyer. Please inquire about your details and the legal entities in the purchase process.
4K Group has a list of English language lawyers / consultants. They are not affiliated with our business because lawyers are committed to protecting your rights. Upon request, we will provide you with a list of lawyers by contacting us. You can choose one of these names for yourself and agree to these terms. If you buy your property from 4K Group, we will follow the whole process safely and without paying a lawyer.

5. Get better results
Lawyer of Turkish Language 4K Group Holding

This creates problems for the buyer when the buyer deals with an unreliable agent or a real estate professional. You may lose or the results may be unexpected.
If you have doubts about the people you are dealing with, going to a lawyer would be a more logical option. A lawyer will make sure that everything goes according to the book. In addition, you can find reliable real estate agencies in Turkey. Dealing with these professionals will save you money and time. If you are looking for one of them, contact us today to get professional services with “Zero Failure Performance”.


Not. However, it is recommended that if you are dealing with someone you do not know well or have doubts about. There is only one additional cost if you are dealing with the right people.
The cost of a lawyer’s legal services when buying a property is 1% of the sale price of the property. This amount can be at least 1750 US dollars + 18% VAT. Of course, it depends on the agreement
Yes. Not only your lawyer but anyone you trust can finalize the purchase process for you if you have a valid power of attorney. You do not have to be present at every step of the way to buy a property.
A lawyer checks to see if everything in the transaction has been done correctly and signed by the authorities. In addition, they check all the legal documents of this property to make sure that there is no problem. In addition, they help you to secure the transaction to avoid possible future disputes.

Ask us your questions

If you do not find the answer to your question in this article or frequently asked questions, do not hesitate to contact us, our experts will contact you as soon as possible or send you the answers to your questions.

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