
اطلاعات فرودگاه جدید استانبول

New Istanbul Airport – information and the most complete guide

Istanbul New Airport is one of the most advanced and beautiful airports in the world. This airport was put into operation in 2019 due to the many tourist attractions in the city of Istanbul. Now every day, airlines from all over the world fly to this airport, and for this reason, it has managed to be recognized as one of the most prestigious airports in the world.

اقامت و شهروندی ترکیه2024

Differences between residency and citizenship in Türkiye – key points

Citizenship means that it gives you the rights and duties of a full citizen of a country. As a citizen, you have rights such as the right to vote, the right to benefit from government services, and the right to benefit from government support. You may also be subject to duties such as paying taxes, but residency allows you to reside in the respective country without having citizenship. Gives.

مقایسه رشد مسکن-ایران ترکیه

Buying property in Türkiye or Iran? Where is better?

The decision between buying property in Turkey or Iran depends on various factors, including personal goals, economic conditions, laws and regulations related to property ownership, the state of the property market, and the specific needs of each person. Buying property in Turkey seems to be much more profitable than in Iran. It is because people's capital is saved in dollars.


The best ways to earn dollars

In this article, we are going to review general information about the ways and methods of business and dollar income in Turkey, as well as how to conduct bank transactions with foreign countries. have a positive

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