The latest changes in Turkish citizenship laws

قوانین جدید شهروندی ترکیه
The latest changes in Turkish citizenship laws
Turkish elections 2023

Why do many immigrants, especially Iranians, seek Turkish citizenship to buy a house in Istanbul and live in Turkey?

With recent developments in Turkish policy, the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship in 2023 have changed.
However, the approaching elections may cause further changes in the process of obtaining Turkish citizenship.

For this reason, in the future it is possible with fundamental changes in the way of obtaining residence and investment conditions for foreign nationals
who intend to buy a property in Turkey in order to obtain a Turkish passport and citizenship.

The latest changes in citizenship laws in Türkiye

Obtain Turkish citizenship

1- The new Turkish citizenship law in 2023 has canceled the joint purchase of property in Turkey for two families. In this way, in the past, two families could jointly purchase a property with a value of more than $800,000. do
And each of them paid their 400 thousand dollars and after that they apply for Turkish citizenship for themselves and their families. But in the new law, for each estate It is only possible to get a citizenship, of course, keep in mind that the amount of that property must be at least 400 thousand dollars or more.
2-According to the new Turkish citizenship law in 2023, you can apply for Turkish citizenship only once for each property, but in the previous law, according to the conditions, it was possible to receive Turkish citizenship by purchasing property in Turkey, several times on the property.

Legal laws of citizenship in Türkiye and obtaining Turkish citizenship

The new amendment to the Turkish Citizenship Law in 2023!

According to the amendment of the Turkish government in February 2023, foreign builders who intend to build in Turkey can sell their properties to buyers who buy properties with the aim of obtaining Turkish citizenship.
In general, this amendment has freed foreign investors who have obtained Turkish citizenship and passport from the previous restrictions.

Possible changes in the conditions of obtaining a Turkish passport by buying a property after the election!

Possible changes in the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship

If you are one of the people who are looking for immigration and Turkish citizenship, it is better to buy a property before the upcoming presidential elections in Turkey.
One of the negative consequences of this election for foreign investors, especially Iranians, is that in the government of Mr. Erdoğan’s rival, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Turkish citizenship through the purchase of property and investment will not be possible.
It has promised that if he is elected, this method of obtaining citizenship will be stopped.
The price of a Turkish passport, due to the changes in obtaining Turkish citizenship, from early 2022, from 250 thousand US dollars
It has increased to 400 thousand dollars.
Meanwhile, the Turkish presidential election will be held on May 14, 2023 (May 24, 1402).

"The complete guide to obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment"

How to obtain and receive Turkish citizenship with a Turkish passport

Methods of obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment

According to the changes in the laws and the decision of the President of Turkey, the minimum amount of real estate investment to obtain Turkish citizenship
With the purchase of the property on June 13, 2022, it increased from $250,000 to $400,000.
In this way, buyers who are applying to buy property in Istanbul and want to become Turkish citizens ، The amount of $400,000 should be in section ATürkiye standardto invest.
The important point is that property buyers in Turkey can only use 3 types of currency, i.e. pounds, dollars and euros.
Invest and buy your own property.
Also, the money transfer must be done through a bank and buyers must have a currency conversion certificate (Döviz Alım Belgesi).
receive from the bank.

2. Deposit in the Turkish bank in the amount of 500,000 dollars

Increasing investment benefits and easy access to Turkish citizenship, using a Turkish bank deposit, for those interested in
Investing in this country is possible. Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through bank deposit bank deposit in Türkiye
It requires certain conditions.
So that for Turkish citizenship, at least 500,000 dollars or its equivalent in other currencies must be kept in an account for three years.
be placed in a Turkish bank.
In the meantime, investors and owners of money for bank deposits in Turkey have to deal with various questions and problems
Opening a bank account in the applicant’s name, minimum deposit of 500,000 dollars or equivalent in other currencies, signing a three-year deposit agreement,
Obtaining a report from the Turkish Banking Regulatory and Control Organization and applying for an investor’s residence permit, the procedures for obtaining citizenship through
Bank deposits are in Türkiye.
For more information, you can read the article “Turkish citizenship by purchasing shares“.
Required documents to apply for Turkish citizenship through bank deposit including birth certificate or identity card, residence certificate
country of origin, employment certificate or property certificate, 6-month bank report, certificate from the tax organization of the country of origin,
And… it is.

3. Registering the company in Türkiye and using 50 Turkish personnel

Turkish citizenship is one of the most popular second citizenship options for foreign investors.
People who register a company in Turkey and employ at least 50 people under the condition of maintaining the activity of their company.
They can apply for Turkish citizenship.
Also, people who invest in the stock market, buy property or invest in other income-generating industries in Turkey.
At least 500 thousand dollars deposit in one of the Turkish banks for 3 years or at least 500 thousand dollars from bonds
buy government and keep for 3 years, they can apply for Turkish citizenship.
People who have lived in Turkey for a long time and have the ability to prove their income and settlement according to Turkish laws can also apply for Turkish citizenship.

citizenship By buying a property in Türkiye, you have the possibility of permanent residence in Turkey Türkiyeand finally gives the citizenship of this country.
By changing the conditions of Turkish citizenship, you can now obtain Turkish citizenship through investment or education.
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General information about Türkiye

Turkish Legal Laws 2023 and latest Turkish citizenship changes

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