Everything you need to know to transfer money from Iran to Turkey

انتقال پول از ایران به ترکیه
Everything you need to know to transfer money from Iran to Turkey

In this article, we will discuss how to transfer money from Iran to Turkey. Turkey has long acted as a bridge between Asia and Europe.

For this reason, the issue of transferring money from Iran to Turkey has been considered.
People have to transfer money from Iran to Turkey for various reasons. This is almost vital for an Iranian student living in Turkey.

Maybe you have an international business that needs international transactions. In any case, you should know how to transfer money from Iran to Turkey.
Unfortunately, due to US sanctions, the mechanism of international currency transfer has faced many problems. These sanctions have made the transfer of money from Iran an endless nightmare, even for amounts under $ 100. In this article, we examine the methods of transferring money from Iran to Turkey.

Everything you need to know to transfer money from Iran to Turkey
Zaraat Bank is one of the banks that provides banking and account opening services to Iranians

Money transfer from Iran to Turkey through an exchange office

The fastest possible method is through an exchange office. This method is also traceable and has high security. Of course, this method also has disadvantages. Of course, this method also has disadvantages.

Money transfer from Iran to Turkey by Swift currency transfer

Swift Currency Remittance (SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) It is one of the most common and safest ways to transfer money from anywhere in the world. Here the desired currency is transferred to a bank account. The destination of this remittance may be any reputable bank anywhere in the world. The Swift protocol is used in 209 countries and in 9,000 banks and financial institutions. In addition, this method is very popular among traders.

Swift code is an 8 to 11 digit code. This code indicates the destination bank, destination country, geographical area and branch code. The remittance fee issued in this way can vary depending on the amount sent and the destination country. Most of the fees belong to intermediary banks, so Iran’s Swiftase fee to Turkey is lower. However, due to sanctions, it is not possible for Iranians to use the Swift system. To transfer money through Swift method, you should consider the following points.

  • Account Holder Name (Destination)
  • swift code
  • Exact name of the destination bank
  • Branch code (if you want to withdraw money from a specific branch)

Transferring money from Iran to a Turkish bank account may take from a few business hours to 4 business days.

Money transfer from Iran to Turkey with PayPal

PayPal is one of the most popular ways to transfer money in the world with 232 million accounts. More than 87 million accounts are now active. To use PayPal, you must register on its official website. Ziraat Bank of Turkey supports this possibility. Of course, due to sanctions, it is not possible for Iranians to use PayPal. You can create a PayPal account by opening an account in Turkey or using companies that provide foreign exchange services. Of course, you should be careful to use it with a fixed IP other than the Iranian IP. Because if they find out that she has an Iranian account, they will block the account. There are two types of regular and business accounts for PayPal. With a regular account, you can transfer up to $ 800 a week. Overpayment is sensitive for PayPal and you will need to provide evidence of your type of business or create a business account.

Money transfer from Iran to Turkey with ManiGram

MoneyGram MoneyGram has many branches all over the world. ManiGram operates in more than 200 countries and has 347,000 offices worldwide. To use this electronic money transfer system, the applicant must go to one of the agencies of this company with identification documents and payment. In this case, like local banks, you have to fill out a form to transfer money; In this form, the name and surname of the sender and the name, surname and city name of the recipient must be entered correctly. This form is deposited with the desired amount to the broker. After the transfer is made by the broker, an eight-digit code is given to the sender, which must reach the recipient abroad.

Transfer money from Iran to Turkey with Visa Card and Master Card

One of the quickest ways is to impose sanctions on Iranians. Like the PayPal portal, in order to have a Visa and MasterCard card, you have to go to one of the domestic providers or open a bank account in Turkey.

In this article, we tried to examine the methods of transferring money from Iran to Turkey. It’s up to you to decide which way to go. You need to consider the circumstances and choose the best one for yourself. Immigrating and buying property in Turkey should be accompanied by consultation with experts as well as planning and thinking.

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