Should I buy lira or dollar to invest in Turkey?

Should I buy lira or dollar to invest in Turkey?

Turkey is one of Iran’s neighboring countries, where every year many Iranians migrate to Turkey as tourists to invest in Turkey and with the intention of university education, and the dollar price is 19.45 to lira.

The currency of Turkey is lira, which is equal to 100 kuros.

Turkish banknotes in the form of 5. 10. It is 20, 50, 100 liras.

Turkey has one of the most powerful armies and the security of this country is acceptable.

As you know, the new law that was introduced in January 2022 for foreign nationals to invest in Turkey andThe purchase of property in Turkey was announced for those who intend Buying property have in Turkey.

They should convert the reference currency to Lira and get the currency conversion form or the Belgian foreign currency from the relevant bank.
Previously, Deweys Alim Belgsi would deliver the bank to you and you would deliver the paper to the document registration office to name the document.

The price of the dollar today, May 8, 1402, was traded in Iran at 54 thousand tomans, and the price of the dollar in Turkey was 19.45 liras.

But according to the new law, the bank sends this form to the Tapu office through the CAP system.

Sample of currency certificate (Alim Belgian currency in Turkey)

گواهی تبدیل ارز- دویز آلیم بلگسی

A very important point for investing in Turkey is that due to the new restrictions in open an accountdollarFor Iranians, it is better to transfer your money from Iran to Turkey or any other countryas Euro or Poundbe done.

In this case, you will have a one-time currency conversion fee.

دویز آلیم بلگسی ( DÖVİZ ALIM BELGESİ) چیست؟

General information about Türkiye

قوانین حقوقی ترکیه 2023 و آخرین تغییرات شهروندی ترکیه

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