The best universities in Turkey

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The best universities in Turkey

In this article, we try to introduce the best universities in Turkey and review these universities at the international level and the rating and ranking of these universities in 2020. You may find two examples of the Seven Wonders of the World in Turkey, but rest assured you can find some of the best universities in the world in this country. The number of international students planning to study in Turkey has increased dramatically since 2015. Currently, about 650 thousand

The best universities in Turkey

Foreign students are studying in Turkey, which shows the growing importance of this country as a great destination for further education. Top-ranked and world-renowned universities are located in Turkey and are known for nurturing the best students around the world. Turkey has several top universities for you to study at for your bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree.

There is no doubt that the Turkish higher education system is one of the top educational systems, because first of all, the higher education system of this country fully complies with the European standard of education stipulated in the Bologna Process (bologna process) and the certificates are internationally recognized. Secondly, for reasons such as the superior quality of education and the low cost of education, Turkey is one of the most famous. It is considered as the most popular educational destination among Iranian students. However, the main conditions for obtaining admission from the top universities in Turkey are the following:

Provide high school diploma and resume
Participate in YÖS or SAT entrance exams (depending on the selected university)
All necessary documents (resume, motivation letter, letter of recommendation and identification documents

Rankings of the best Turkish universities in 2020

Turkey is currently one of the top tourist destinations in the world and over 40 million tourists traveled to Turkey in 2017 to visit Turkey’s tourist attractions, according to Invest. This has made Turkey the 10th most popular tourist destination for the holidays. Turkey wants to expand its global popularity in the field of student education and admission by creating higher education conditions, so in the past few years it has attracted international students. It has the best universities in law, business, engineering and medicine in the world, which has been able to be included in the list of top universities in the world. These universities include Koc University, Bogazici University, Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Cankaya University, which are just some of the many universities in Turkey that are located in Turkey. They are at the top of the global rankings.

Rankings of the best Turkish universities in 2020

There are more than 200 universities in Turkey, most of which are relatively new public universities. In 1970, there were only eight public universities, and the first private university in Turkey was Bilkent University, which was established in 1984. One of the newest universities in Turkey is Antalya International University (AIU), which admitted its first students in 2012.

City NameUniversity name
IstanbulBogazici University
AnkaraMETU Middle East Technical University
IstanbulIstanbul Technical University
AnkaraBilkent University
AnkaraAnkara University
IstanbulKoc University
IstanbulIstanbul University
AnkaraHacettepe University
IstanbulSabanci University
AnkaraCankaya University
AnkaraGazi University
IstanbulMarmara University

About the best universities in Turkey in 2020

Most of the top universities are located in the major cities of Turkey, Ankara or Istanbul. The following is a brief description of some of these universities:

Middle East Technical University (METU):

The Middle East Technical University is located in the capital of Turkey, Ankara, and in 2020 it was able to rank 8th in the EECA categories. The university was founded in 1956 and today has about 31,000 students.

Baghazchi University:

Founded in 1863 as Robert College, it was the first American university to teach English outside the United States. The university is ranked 10th in the latest EECA rankings.

Koch University:

The university was established in Istanbul in 1993, and is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Turkey for higher education. Koch University is ranked 12th in the EECA rankings. Currently, about 6,000 students in various fields are studying at this university.

Bilkent University:

The name Bilkent University stands for bilim kent, which in Turkish means the city of learning and knowledge. Bilkent University is one of the top research universities in the country and currently has about 13,000 students, many of whom are international students. The university is ranked 14th in the EECA rankings and has the largest university library in the country.

Sabanci University:

The University of Turkey is ranked 18th in the EECA rankings. The university began teaching in the fall of 1999 and currently has about 4,000 students, about 42% of whom receive scholarships.

Tuition fees for the best universities in Turkey

Turkey’s education system is similar to other European countries. Turkey has 120 public universities and about 80 private universities, with a total of 200 universities operating in the country. Tuition in Turkey is very affordable for international students and varies depending on the field of study, the type of university, the language of instruction and the city of study. Tuition at public universities in Turkey is much cheaper than at private universities in Turkey, so that studying at a public university can cost around $ 300 to $ 800 (dollars) and studying at private universities costs about $ 20,000 (dollars) per year. have. In public universities, tuition for one-year programs in English is generally more expensive, and one-year tuition in English varies from $ 600 to $ 1,500 (dollars) per year, while the same courses Turkish is about $ 240 to $ 750 (dollars).

The cost of living in Turkey is relatively lower than in other educational areas in Europe, and a person can earn about $ 400 to $ 500 ($) per month to cover their living expenses, including accommodation, transportation, and food. Have a student life, although these costs also depend on your lifestyle and spending habits. In addition to the high costs, a person will need about $ 100 to $ 150 (dollars) per semester to pay for textbooks and administrative costs.

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