New rules for the extension of tourist stay in Türkiye 2023

قوانین جدید تمدید اقامت توریستی ترکیه 2023
New rules for the extension of tourist stay in Türkiye 2023

The introduction of new laws in 2023 and the strict measures of the government have caused many people to worry about extending their tourist stay.

Considering the country’s economic and political situation, many Iranians are looking for better opportunities abroad and have recently migrated to Turkey.

To get a residence in Türkiye, you can use different ways, includinginvestment، Use employment and education. After successfully obtaining a residence permit, you can extend it and eventually obtain permanent residence in this country.

Extension of tourist stay in Türkiye 2023

According to the Good Neighbor Agreement between Iran and Turkey, any Iranian tourist can stay in Turkey for 89 days without the need for a visa.

If she wishes to stay longer in Turkey, she can apply for a one-year residence permit.

This type of residence is known as tourist or temporary residence and its validity periodOne year Is.

Extension of tourist stay in Türkiye 2023

One of the most used types of stay in Turkey is tourist stay.

This type of stay is possible by buying or renting a property in Turkey. Of course, there are always obstacles in the way of extending the stay by renting a house.

Extending your stay by renting is not easily possible in many Turkish cities, including Izmir, Antalya and Ankara.

In 2023, the Istanbul Immigration Department will request more documents from applicants to extend their stay, and this issue has been raised as a concern by many tourist stay applicants.

It has become very difficult to extend the stay in Turkey by renting a house, and even with all the required documents, there is a possibility that the application will be rejected and the applicant’s file will be rejected.

Due to the fact that the Turkish Immigration Department has revised and made the conditions for the extension of stay more difficult, it is better to use other ways to extend the stay, such as buying a property.

It is better to stay in these cities through Buying property (with a minimum value of 75 thousand dollarsin Istanbul) to renew.

It should be noted that by extending your tourist stay by renting or buying a property in Turkey, you will not receive a Turkish passport even after several years have passed.

In many advertisements of various institutions and companies, it is announced that by buying a property, even at a price of less than 400 thousand dollars, after five years, you can get a Turkish passport.

But this is a claim that should be carefully considered and it should be kept in mind that this issue may be associated with certain conditions.

False advertisements for Turkish citizenship and residency

تبلیغات دروغین اخذ اقامت ترکیه

Advertisements for buying or renting property in Turkey to obtain a Turkish passport are completely false and Turkish laws do not support such a claim.

However, a good way to extend your stay in all Turkish cities is to buy or rent a property.

It is explicitly determined in Turkish laws that the minimum amount required to apply for citizenship through immovable property is $400,000.

For this reason, the claims that provide you with a Turkish passport for $150,000 are completely unreasonable and fraudulent.

Also, selling houses in restricted areas or selling one property to several people are other examples of fraud.

Therefore, a suitable solution to get a residence in Turkey is to buy a house worth at least 75 thousand dollars in big cities.

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Documents for extension of Turkish tourist stay

To extend your stay by renting a property and buying a house, the documents you need are as follows:

  • Rendvo form
  • Copy of the first page of the passport with the last stamp of entry to Turkey
  • Back and front copy of the last Kimlik
  • Policy
  • Land right payment receipt
  • Registering the residence address in the population office and submitting the population sheet to the Turkish immigration office
  • Notarized lease with the presence of the landlord in the notary
  • Bill to name
In this case, the applicant can deliver these documents to the immigration office at the specified time and wait for the answer from the immigration office to extend her stay.
Documents required to extend tourist stay

But when should we extend the tourist stay?

To extend your tourist stay, apply at least two months before the expiration date of your Kimlik.

You can also notify the Immigration Department of your request up to one month before the expiration of your stay.

If you use the extension method through renting a house, you should pay attention to an important point. This method is effective only if the address of your rental house or Nafs sheet is in neighborhoods other than Snivort or Fatih.

In other words, even if your population sheet is registered in these two neighborhoods, your residence extension may be rejected because of this issue.

Reasons for rejecting Turkish tourist accommodation in 2023

The request for extension of tourist stay in Turkey may be rejected if it is not completed correctly or the necessary documents are not provided with it.

Also, defects in the file and failure to provide sufficient documents are other reasons that can lead to rejection of the request for extension of stay.

The rejection of the request for extension of stay may be for other reasons, such as the taste of the Immigration Department officers.

Also, the extension of tourist stay by renting a property has become much more difficult and the percentage of rejection of requests for this type of stay extension is very high.

Therefore, in order to avoid the rejection of the request for extension of stay, it is better to use expert consultants in this field and carefully observe all the necessary documents and conditions.

The most important thing that you should pay attention to is that you should never use fake documents.

Because not only will your request not be approved, but you will also be fined and deported.

The easiest way to obtain Turkish residence for Iranians

The easiest way to obtain Turkish residence for Iranians

To get a tourist residence in Turkey, the easiest way is through buying a property in Turkey. If you want to live in big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, you should buy a property worth 75 thousand US dollars.

But if you want to live in smaller cities, you can buy a property worth 50,000 dollars so that you can apply for a one-year residence or the same as a tourist.

This type of residence is annual and can be extended. Also, after at least 5 years and provided you have the required documents, you can apply for Turkish citizenship.

Turkish Legal Laws 2023 and latest Turkish citizenship changes

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