Apartment culture in Turkey

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Apartment culture in Turkey

With increasing demand and Buying a house in TürkiyeEvery year, more Iranians go to this country to build a new life. Statistics published in The year 2021, indicates that the largest amount of house purchases in Turkey has been made by Iranians. Most immigrants who buy property in Turkey prefer apartments, residential complexes and residences; Because it has both good security and management is exemplary. Following this management and discipline, Rules and culture of apartment living in Türkiye They are also implemented very rigidly.

In this article, we are going to talk to you about the culture of apartment living in Turkey. Although one of the benefits ofliving in Turkeyis cultural similarities and closeness, there are differences that we, as immigrants, must respect. Apartment living is one of these differences and, as we have said, it is more legal than in Iran.

The culture of apartment living is a global phenomenon and is popular in different countries, including Turkey. In Turkey, apartment living is popular due to its advantages such as the use of shared facilities, greater security, location in urban centers and proximity to basic services.

Apartment culture in Turkey

Before we go into the apartmentrules in Turkey, it is not bad to know how many types of apartmentsthere are in Turkey. As we mentioned in the introduction, with the increase in the demand for Turkish residencyand the entry of immigrants, the nature of construction has also increased sharply. The same boom in the market has led to the emergence of various types of apartments and residential complexes in Turkey.

Among the types of apartments in Turkey, the following can be mentioned:

Residential apartments

Residence in Istanbul

It can be said that this type of residential complex in Turkey has the strictest rules and strongly emphasizes the implementation of apartment laws. Sites are usually the first and most popular destination for immigrants to buy a house in Istanbuland have all kinds of amenities. It is usually managed by a board of residents. You can also see theprices of houses in Istanbul 2021 in the section of apartment prices in Istanbul.

Ordinary apartments

Normal apartment in Istanbul

They are the same residential complexes in the city. They are usually managed by one person and most of the relationships are based on friendship and neighborliness. Apartment culture in Turkeymay be different for such complexes; Some may be stricter, and others may have more freedom.

Independent villas

ویلا در استانبول

If your villa is in the city, it is natural that you will not need to follow certain rules. But if the same villas are located in a certain town, you may have to follow certain rules to maintain order and security.

Familiarity with the duties of the apartment manager

Before we get into apartment law in Turkey, it might be a good idea to first get acquainted with the duties of a building manager or board. In other words, in this section we want to provide you with the information you need to defend your rights; However, these issues must also be taken into account when acquiring Turkish citizenship.

Duties of the building manager

In general, management tasks can be summarized as follows:

  • Collection of monthly charges and income
  • Repairing breakdowns and providing cleanliness of the building
  • Monitor the health of the elevator or fuel source
  • Avoid parking strangers’ cars (in ordinary apartments)
  • Ensuring the security of the building and preventing strangers from entering the premises and commons
  • Building insurance and

Construction managers in Turkey are particularly sensitive to the culture of apartment living in Turkey. Of course, each person is naturally different from the other; One manager may be very strict and grumpy, another may be more gentle. But the principle is that the manager satisfies all residents.

Experience has shown that building managers have many challenges with students. Students usually have a bit of a rebellious spirit, and because of their status, they are usually lazy in paying their monthly fees. Remember, if you are going to study at a Turkish university, be careful when dealing with building managers.

Neighbors in Istanbul

Duties of apartment dwellers in Turkey

Now you know very well that Apartment living rules in TürkiyeIt is different in every building and may depend on the personality and behavior of the building manager. But apart from that, there are a series of rules that are common to all residential complexes. In other words, it can be considered more among the culture and consciousness of apartment living than the law; That is, it is considered respect for the neighbor and the social environment.

The most important things to keep in mind when living in an apartment are:

  • 12o’clock at night is the time of blackout. Any abnormal sound, party, period and. Is prohibited. Otherwise, the neighbors will have the right to protest and sue.
  • The most important thing in the apartment culture in Turkeyis the timely payment of the monthly charge or the same income. Otherwise, management will have the right to prosecute. Income is one of the most importantliving expenses in Turkey, which should be considered before buying a property.
  • Personal use of commons is prohibited; The staircase of the building is not a place to store flowers and plants, put shoes or store equipment. Even in large residences, putting on shoes and pads is forbidden.
  • In many residences, you will not be allowed to do anything that affects the appearance of the building. Things like spreading clothes on the balcony, storing things and shaking the carpet and و
  • But keep in mind that you can use outdoor furniture or flowers and plants to decorate your balcony.
  • If you have a pet, it is necessary to consult with the building management and get the relevant laws before buying orrenting a house in Turkey.
  • Also, do not forget that the walls are usually thin and have no sound insulation, so pay attention to this to respect the neighbor and even your privacy.

An interesting point…

In estates and residences, neighbors may not see or know each other from year to year. But in general, the relations between the neighborhood and the neighborhood world in Turkey are very wide. You must have seen in Turkish movies how close the neighbors are to each other and when they are sad and happy, they are together.

There is a saying in Turkey that says: “Do not buy a house, do not buy a property, but buy a neighbor!” This parable itself is a seal of approval for this claim and shows that neighbors can be even more intimate and close than family members. All these advantages have been realized thanks to the culture of apartment living in Turkey. So if you are planning to live andimmigrate to Turkey, it is not bad to write this issue in the list of benefits of living in this country.


Buying property and citizenship questions

Housing in Turkey is divided into three types of residences, ordinary apartments and villas. Sites usually have strict rules. Next, the apartments are located.

The building manager is responsible for providing security, cleaning the commons, tending the premises, repairing the facilities, maintaining the elevator, and collecting the monthly charge (revenue).

Shutting down and not making noise after 12 o’clock at night, timely payment of the building charge, not using the commons personally, not shaking the carpet and hanging clothes on the balcony and… are the duties of the neighbors.

Turkish Legal Laws 2023 and latest Turkish citizenship changes

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