Different insurances in Türkiye

انواع بیمه در ترکیه 2023
Different insurances in Türkiye

In Turkey, there is an extensive insurance system that includes various insurances including health insurances, car insurances, home insurances and other areas.

In the following, I will mention some important types of insurance in Türkiye

Types of insurance in Türkiye

Health insurance in Turkey includes coverage of medical expenses, medical consultation, medicines, hospitalization and other health and medical services.

This type of insurance can be provided by the government, private companies or other insurers.

One of the essentials forLegal residence in Türkiye،Insurance is treatment. People who apply for legal residence in Turkey need to obtain health insurance, and this insurance is considered one of the necessary documents to complete their residence file.

You may hear that health insurance only as a document forstay used takes and Medicare does not cover its holders, but this view is completely wrong.

Medical insurance really provides medical coverage and people should pay attention to how and under what conditions they can use this insurance.

Types of health insurance in Türkiye

  1. Medical insurance for foreigners (Yabancı için sağlık sigortası)
  2. Individual medical insurance (Bireysel sağlık sigortası)
  3. Supplementary health insurance
Types of health insurance in Türkiye

Social security insurance in Türkiye

Social insurance in Turkey is a system of insurance and social security administered by the Social Insurance Agency of Turkey (SGK). These insurances include three main sections:

  • Insurance:Health insurance in Türkiye is mandatory for all Turkish citizens.

    This insurance includes medical and treatment services including medical consultation, hospitalization, medicines and specialized treatments. Medical expenses are largely covered by social insurance.

  • Retirement insurance: This insurance is designed to provide income and livelihood for people after retirement. People who are currently employed pay part of their income to pension insurance. After receiving the pension, this insurance is paid to people in the form of a fixed income or a monthly bonus.

  • Disability insurance:Disability insurance if a person is on site due to illness or injuryIf she is not able to work, work is provided to provide her income and livelihood. In this case, social insurance provides financial benefits and support services to disabled people.

These insurances are built in order to provide livelihood and social services to the citizens of Turkey as well as to maintain the social and economic security of the country.

SSK insurance includes people who work privately. And self-insurance is for people who have registered the company. If you want to choose one of these three types of insurance in Turkey, all three types of insurance are except SGK insurance.

There is a specific rule for the retirement age in each of these types of insurance.

60 years for men and 55 years for women. And the number of working days is enough for 7 thousand days or 20 years of working in Turkey.

Types of social security insurance in Türkiye

The Social Security Insurance Organization of Turkey, SGK, provides its insurance services for foreigners as well as Turkish citizens in different packages.

SSK employer insurance: It is one of the types of insurance in Türkiye. This type of insurance is for foreigners who have permission to work in Turkey or Turkish citizens. She does not buy this insurance on her own. And it should be done through the employer.

Make your own insurance :Another type is BAĞKUR self-insurance. This type of insurance is special for those who have registered a company in Turkey. or are business owners. These people can pay for their own insurance.

GSS insurance: The third type of insurance is GSS. This insurance is for Turkish citizens. People who later became citizens can use this type of insurance. The deposit of this type of insurance is personal.

بیمه sgk در ترکیه

Commercial insurance in Türkiye

Another type of insurance that exists in Turkey is commercial insurance. Commercial insurance includes 63 private and government companies.

which includes international companies, Turkish and companies that provide services as representative in Turkey. which provide services such as life insurance, medical insurance, car insurance, fire insurance, etc.

Use of Iranian insurance in Türkiye

People who immigrated to Turkey can benefit from insurance inside Iran and use it. But they should note that insurance in this case is optional for professional and self-employed people.

Therefore, paying insurance through these businesses does not require an employer and does not cause legal problems.

Depending on the type of insurance and specific conditions, insurance inside Iran can be expensive for people who have immigrated to Turkey. The cost of insurance may vary based on the type and scope of insurance coverage, age, gender, health status and other variable factors.

Also, the insurance company and related laws and regulations can also be influential. For more detailed information about the cost of insurance in Iran and related conditions, it is better to contact reliable insurance companies in Iran and get information from reliable sources.

It should be noted that since these people live outside of Iran, they cannot pay the insurance premium from a company that is inside Iran.

According to the social security insurance laws, Iranian people who have compulsory insurance in other countries cannot use the compulsory insurance in Iran. They must be optionally insured.

To use insurance in Iran, you can use the social insurance agency in Istanbul.

Regarding the insurance for those who live in Turkey, they can continue their insurance in Iran as well. and retire when they reach the retirement age in Iran.

One of the reasons for using this insurance is that cars in Turkey are luxury cars, and for this reason, it is better to use body insurance.

These people can pay their insurance premium in three months, six months and one year. And while they live in Turkey, social security insurance should be rejected in Iran.

This insurance can be done simultaneously with employment in Turkey. And the person must have insurance history in both countries.

Iran and Türkiye insurance at the same time

Car insurance in Türkiye

In Turkey, car insurance is one of the important and mandatory things for drivers. Car insurance is mandatory in Turkey and you must buy insurance for public and private cars.

This type of insurance usually includes various coverages such as third party insurance, driver accident insurance, car damage and theft insurance, and liability insurance due to traffic accidents.

Turkey has covered this issue in the form of two insurance policies in order to support the owners of land motor vehicles as well as people who are injured in accidents with these vehicles.

Traffic insurance (Trafik Sigortası): In 1990, due to the increase in car production and its owners, it was decided to make this insurance policy mandatory.

If you do not have a traffic insurance policy in Turkey, the car will be seized by the police and fined. In this type of insurance policy, the third party has financial and life coverage.

Casco insurance or car body insurance in Türkiye

Casco insurance or car body insurance (Kasko Sigortası) in Turkey is a type of voluntary insurance that is provided to protect your personal car in case of various accidents and damages.

This insurance provides coverage including damages caused by traffic accidents, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and accidents with animals, car theft and fire.

One of the reasons for using this insurance is that cars in Turkey are luxury cars, and for this reason, it is better to use body insurance.

Casco insurance fee is based on the value of the car, type, model of the vehicle, driver’s records, lack of damage in previous years, etc. It is calculated.

In car body insurance in Turkey, as a contract between the insurer and the policyholder, there is no specific payment limit.

This means that in the event of an accident and damage to the car, the insurer must pay all the costs of repairing and rebuilding the car, without considering an amount as a specific ceiling.

Body insurance in Türkiye is particularly attractive; Because in case of serious damage or theft of the car, the costs of restoration may rise and without a payment ceiling, it is introduced as an effective protection option.

Traffic or third party insurance in Turkey

Traffic (or third party) insurance in Turkey is a type of civil liability insurance that is purchased by the car owner to cover the costs of damages to other people or cars in the event of an accident.

This type of insurance helps you cover financial liability in case of phone or damage to others or cars. This insurance is abbreviated as “Third Party” or “Traffic” and is mandatory in Turkey and other countries.

It should be noted that in Turkey, unlike Iran, the payment of compensation is based on diya and Islamic concepts, but in Turkey, the payment of compensation is based on a specified ceiling.

And it determines a specific ceiling for death and injury or any type of financial damages. And based on that insurance is priced. Of course, the type of car, model, type and year of manufacture has an effect on the cost of your one-year insurance in Turkey.

International third party insurance - green card

Green card insurance is used as a type of insurance coverage for traveling and leaving the country with a private car. This card is necessary to guarantee civil liability insurance coverage in case of an accident in other countries.

In other words, if you plan to travel to another country with your own car, you need to get green card insurance for the car.

Green card insurance system currently includes 48 member countries and these countries include Iran and Turkey. With green card insurance, you can activate the third party insurance you want in your destination country.

This card serves as proof of your insurance validity in different countries and allows you to have the required coverage in case of an accident in other countries.

Therefore, if you plan to travel to one of the countries that are members of the green card insurance system, you can prepare and activate your third party insurance for the destination country.

Car insurance in Türkiye

Quorum to retire in Turkey

In Turkey, insurance and pension are very important for Iranians or people who have received Turkish citizenship.

For these people, it is very important to pay attention to the duration of working in Turkey in order to transition to retirement and receive retirement benefits

According to the information you have provided, to transfer to retirement in Turkey, people must work for at least seven thousand five hundred days (equivalent to about 20 years).

This period can be obtained continuously or separately or by reaching the age of 55. This is the length of time you have to work in Turkey in order to benefit from the pension benefits.

Pension insurance in Türkiye

Fire insurance in Türkiye

In Turkey, fire insurance is also offered as a type of insurance coverage. This insurance can be diverse and may include coverage such as damages caused by fire, explosion, earthquake, flood, theft, etc.

Fire insurance in Turkey is used to protect property and possessions against various risks and assure property owners that financial losses will be covered in the event of an accident.

بیمه زلزله در ترکیه

It is true. After the catastrophic 1999 earthquake in Turkey that caused serious damage to infrastructure and property, Turkey passed a law mandatorily requiring homeowners to purchase earthquake and natural disaster insurance.

This type of insurance is known as DASK (Deprem Sigortası).

The main goals of these mandatory measures are to strengthen the infrastructure’s resistance against earthquakes and reduce risks and financial losses in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes.

With these measures, Turkey tries to lead the society towards sustainable development and resistance to natural hazards.

With this explanation, we should know that all compatriots who are buying a property in Turkey must buy a DASK insurance policy to register the document.

Also, an important issue is that; Water, electricity and gas administrations consider DASK insurance as mandatory for the owner to carry out their administrative affairs.

Insurance with work permit or employer's insurance

Work permit insurance or more precisely “employer’s insurance” (SGK – Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu) in Turkey is a type of social insurance offered to employees and employers.

This insurance is based on the country’s social insurance laws and regulations, and its purpose is to protect the rights and social guarantees of employees and employers in fields such as retirement, illness, work accidents, and birth.

بیمه کارفرما در ترکیه

Employers in Turkey are required to pay employer’s insurance premiums for their employees. This insurance premium is paid jointly by the employer and the employees and is then managed by the Social Insurance Organization (SGK).

This employer insurance includes benefits and guarantees such as retirement, insurance benefits, work accidents, birth, maternity leave, etc.

Employers must pay employers’ insurance premiums in proportion to their employees’ rights, and this insurance ensures the social and economic rights of employees at different times of life.

This insurance in Turkey is part of the social insurance system that provides social and economic facilities and benefits to individuals and their families.

General information about Türkiye

Turkish Legal Laws 2023 and latest Turkish citizenship changes

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