Üsküdar District

منطقه اسکودار-Üsküdar
Üsküdar District
منطقه اسکودار (Üsküdar)
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General information of the area

Istanbul’s Skudar district is another Asian region of Istanbul, which is bordered on the north by Bikuz district, on the south by Kadikoy district, on the east by Ataşehir and Omraniye districts, and on the west by Bosphorus Strait. This area has 33 neighborhoods, in front of which is the famous neighborhood of Aminonu, and this has made transportation to these two areas through the Bosphorus Strait easier by boat.

During the Ottoman period, the area had many beach houses, with only a handful of mansions remaining, and new mansions have now been built in place of the old ones.

Among the old mansions of Skudar, we can mention the mansions of Abed Effendi and Mahmoud Nadim Pasha.

Skudar coastline is about 12 km long, which is a place of entertainment for many tourists and residents of this area. در این خط ساحلی میتونید انواع کافه رستوران و رستوران های دریایی را مشاهده کنید.

Altunizadeh area is one of the modern areas of Skodare that has many shopping malls.
Capitol Mall, Acacia Mall and Emaar Mall are some of the modern malls in the area.

This area has many sights. Like the Girl Tower, which is located on a small island in the middle of the Bosphorus and has many legends. You can reach the tower by boat.
Also, Buick Chamlija Hill, which takes the name of “Istanbul Roof”, is one of the fascinating sights of this region.
Since this hill has a special beauty and extraordinary scenery, most brides and grooms usually use this location to capture their images.

Kandili Girls’ High School and Fateh Pasha grove are also places of interest in this area.

Popular five-star hotels in the area are the Bosphorus Palace Hotel, the Volley Hotel and the Billerby Hotel.

Haidar Pasha’s public hospital and Eskudar state hospital are among the hospitals in the Eskudar region.

Tower Girl

Tower Girl - Maiden's Tower-Girl Tower

Maiden Tower or Istanbul Girl Tower is one of the most significant tourist attractions of Istanbul, which is also considered as a symbol of Istanbul. In order to visit this tower, you can go to this tower by using the boats that are present in the Bosphorus Strait.

We suggest that you have a meal on your trip to Istanbul in the restaurants of this tower.

The Istanbul Girl’s Tower, also known as the LEANDER’S TOWER Tower in Istanbul, also known as the Kız Kulesi, is one of the most famous historical monuments in Turkey. In general, the area where the tower is located has a long history and during the ancient Roman Empire, the island was used as a customs and trade checkpoint and lighthouse tower.

  • Introduction to Istanbul Girl Tower

If we want to talk about the history of Istanbul Girl Tower and its story, we must first say that this tower is a small building on an island in the middle of the Bosphorus, which has become one of the most attractive attractions in Istanbul. The tower was also known by other names such as Linder and Damalis.

Istanbul Girl’s Tower dates back to 1000 years ago, just during the Byzantine rule over Turkestan. The tower has had various uses throughout, and one of them was a place to receive tolls, and at other times it was used as a defense tower and at another time as a lighthouse. In the 19th century, the Istanbul Girl Tower was also used as a temporary hospital and radio station. In the current century (21st century), the Istanbul Girl’s Tower is also used as a museum with a portable restaurant inside, and it plays an important role in Istanbul’s tourism industry.

Just above the only room of the tower, there is a stone dome with a high bar in the center. Today, the total height of the tower, including the bar, reaches 23 meters and the body of the tower is made of concrete.

There are many stories and narrations about the history of this tower among the people. In the continuation of this article, we want to mention some of them briefly.

  • The story of the prince and the snake

One of the stories about the girl tower is about the prince and the snake! According to legend, the king of Constantinople had a beautiful daughter whom he loved very much. One day, an fortune teller told the king about the bad news that your princess would die at the age of 18 due to a snake bite. Gives. Therefore, the king orders that a tower be built in the Bosphorus region, which is on land and at the heights where the girl is freed from snake bites. Years pass and on the 18th birthday of the king’s daughter, she goes to the princess with a basket full of fruit, the girl who happily opens the whole basket of fruit. He dies in front of his father’s eyes. This is the reason why this tower is named after a girl.

  • The Legend of Hero and Linder

Another legend related to the Istanbul Girl Tower is the legend of Hero and Linder. The story of the two is that one day a beautiful and chaste deer named Hiro swears that she will stay away from everyone for the rest of her life for her chastity. But one day, a man named Linder passes by the tower by boat and falls in love with the girl. In order to get a positive response from the girl, he swam to the island of the girl tower every night to see the hero. Behind these efforts, the hero eventually falls in love with Linder, and it was not long before their love affair turned into a full-blown tragedy. One day, according to the custom, every night when Linder dared to go to the sea to go to Hiro, he started swimming in the sea. The air of that night was full of storms and angry waves all over the sea. The top of the tower was lit so that Linder could know where he was going in the dark of night. After this hard night, Hiro woke up in the morning and followed Linder out of the tower. Suddenly, he came across Linder’s cold, lifeless body at the bottom of the cliffs. Hiro could not bear the grief and threw himself from the top of the tower. کرد.

  • The legend of heroism called vanity

Another legend about this tower in historical books is related to a hero named Batal. In the eighth century AD, a man named Batal, who was an Arab hero during the Umayyad period. Storytellers in many Turkish legends have opened his feet, one of which is in the following order.
During the Ottoman rule, many land expropriations took place, so that most of the lands of the Eastern Roman Empire became those of the Ottomans. The fame of an individual hero named Batal had reached the ears of the Roman Empire, and this caused his fear; To this end, he sent the family and the young girl to a tower in the middle of the Bosphorus Strait, which he fell in love with as soon as he realized that he went to the tower and mounted the emperor’s daughter on his war horse and set fire to all the ships. It was not long before the void was miles away from the Bosphorus, and the story of the void and the king’s daughter was always recorded in the memories and legends of the Istanbul Girl’s Tower.

The presence of the Istanbul Girl Tower in movies and computer games
This tower is very famous among the people of the region and the tragic stories related to its past are only a part of this fame and in modern times, events have increased the fame and name of the girl tower. In one of the versions of the famous James Bond series, which was made in 1999 and is known as “The World Is Not Enough”, parts of the film were shot in this tower and also in the famous computer game “Assasin’s Creed: Revelations »Some stages and parts of the game deal with this tower. In one part of the game, the main character of the story, Niccolo Polo, must be at the bottom of the tower; Create a complex structure to hide the key known as the “Masyaf key”.

Holding all kinds of celebrations in Istanbul Girl Tower
The tower is so popular with tourists and locals in Istanbul that it is also used as a wedding venue. You can leave all the coordination related to the most special day of your life to the officials of Istanbul Girl Tower and bring you a dreamy and unique experience.
The reception capacity of the Girl Tower is 220 people and it is ready to provide services such as lunch and dinner of various Turkish and international dishes.
Of course, it should be noted that this tower is also ready for your other events such as birthdays, business meetings or family parties.

How to get to this tower?
Istanbul Girl Tower is also located in the Asian part and the Escudar district of Istanbul. In order to visit the Istanbul Girl’s Tower, you have to go to the Kalataş Pier and then go to this historic tower, or in other words, the symbol of Istanbul, with the boats that exist in this area, at no cost. These boats are serviced from 9 am to 9 pm and usually depart every quarter or half an hour. In order to return, you can easily return by the same boats.

Mihrimah Sultan Complex and Mosque

Mihrimah Sultan Complex and Mosque - Mihrimah Sultan Külliyesi ve Camii

Sometimes someone in love made a building out of love, sometimes kings built tall castles to defend the city, and…

There are countless mosques in the Skudar neighborhood, most of which were built during the Ottoman period. In fact, there are more than 180 mosques in this neighborhood, each of which with its unique architecture is one of the tourist attractions of the city. One of the most beautiful mosques in this neighborhood, which stands out more than any other building, is the Mehr Mosque of the Sultan, which is also known as the Pier Mosque. This mosque, like many other historical monuments in Istanbul, was the result of the genius of the architect Sinan, the prominent royal designer of the Ottoman period. This mosque is a memorial to Mehr Mah Sultan, the daughter of the minor and beloved of Sultan Suleiman the Great. In recent years, it has been rebuilt and restored to regain its former strength and glory. This mosque is located on the north side of the ship wharf and for this reason it is also known as the wharf mosque.

There are two prominent mosques that were built for the month of Mehr Sultan and the architect Sinan himself. Two special points of Istanbul; The stories of the mosques that are emerging in Edirnekapı and Üsküdar and rising to this day are as interesting as their stories.

Mehr Mah Sultan Mosque is one of the most famous mosques in the Skudar region. This mosque is the first of two mosques that was built by order of Mehr Mah Sultan, the daughter of Sultan Suleiman Qanuni and the wife of Prime Minister Rostam Pasha. The architect Sinan designed and built this building in the years 1546 to 1548. This huge structure is located on a plate and shows signs of maturity in the style of the architect Sinan.

  • History and information of Mehr Mah Sultan Mosque

Rumor 1: Suleiman named his daughter Mehrmeh: “A sun-like species must be as bright as the moon” and named the girl Mehrmeh. Magic means the sun, the moon means the moon. In other words, the name of Mehr Sultan is derived from the sun and the moon, which leads to very important details in the architecture of both mosques. Skudar rises, the moon sets directly above the dome of Mehr Mah Sultan Mosque in Adrenkap.. In the evenings, there is the opposite situation.

Another rumor is that although Mimar Sinan fell in love with Mehr Sultan, he could not marry her and according to rumors, he wanted to express his love for these two prominent complexes and mosques. This has a great impact on the fact that the Rostam Pasha Mosque, built for Rostam Pasha, who married Mehr Mah Sultan, has an exterior architecture that is not expected of Mimar Sinan.

Today it is again the Mehrmah Sultan Mosque, which welcomes those approaching the Bosphorus as it approaches the Skudar, which is on the path of thousands of people every day, and opens its doors to the worship of thousands. Edirnekapı Mihrimah Sultan Mosque Made later than Scudar. October Sultan, who wants this complex to be built, leaves the choice of location to Mimar Sinan. The architect of Sinan chooses Edirnekapı in a place where the name of the architect of Sinan can be mentioned with a very good thought and with a brilliant choice. The Adrenkapu Mosque in particular attracts special attention with its huge windows, and in almost no other mosque is the light inside so intense. It also has a much simpler space than many other mosques.

  • Other parts of Mehr Sultan Mosque

This mosque includes a seminary, a mausoleum, an elementary school, an inn, a kitchen and a hospital.

The architect Sinan decided to use a more modern design than Hagia Sophia in the construction of this mosque.

The half dome, which is usually located above the entrance door, has been removed and is located immediately below the main dome at the entrance of the mosque.

The ablution room of this mosque is one of the best ablution rooms of Istanbul mosques.

The embossed carvings on the windows, pulpit and marble altar of this mosque are the work of specialists.

The seminary is located in the northern part of the mosque. The interior design of the mosque is no longer similar to its original design and today it is used as a health center.

October Sultan finally died on January 25, 1578, the fourth year of the reign of his nephew Sultan Murad III.

The tomb of Mehr Mah Sultan, his two sons and Prime Minister Ibrahim Ethem Pasha can be seen between the mosque and the seminary. An elementary school can be seen on the side where the qibla of the mosque is.

An elementary school can be seen on the side where the qibla of the mosque is.

Mehrmah Sultan Mosque (Escudar) Istanbul | Mihrimah Sultan Mosque Complex (üsküdar)

Opening time: Every day is open except prayer times.

Beylerbeyi Palace

Beylerbeyi Palace - Beylerbeyi Palace

Billerby Palace is one of the most beautiful and luxurious palaces in Istanbul, Turkey, which is actually called the beautiful and luxurious Ottoman palace. Since tourists who choose Turkey for sightseeing are looking for beautiful places and tourist attractions, so they go to see Billerby Palace to see the glory of this place and that is why Billerby Ottoman Palace is one of the attractions. It has become an important tourist destination in Turkey. Every year, many tourists travel to this city to visit the tourist attractions by buying a tour of Turkey (Istanbul tour), which is also one of the most visited attractions of Billerby Palace.

  • A brief history of the Billerbi Museum Palace in Istanbul

In this short section, we will talk about the history of Billerby Palace to get more acquainted with this structure. It is good to know that this palace was built in the nineteenth century and the first purpose of building this palace was to be able to receive foreign guests and it was actually a place for foreign guests. Billerby Palace was built in the Asian part of Istanbul. Later, Billerby Palace or Palace became a summer resort for the Ottoman kings and today, as mentioned, it has become a tourist destination.

  • Palace structure

The beautiful Billerby Palace has a very beautiful structure and is decorated with magnolia flowers, which has given a beautiful effect to this palace. In terms of decor, it is better to know that since it was originally built for foreign guests, for this reason, both the exterior and the interior of the palace have very dazzling decors and has added to the glory of Billerby Palace. Until this part, you are a little familiar with the history of this palace. In the following, we will provide you with more information about this tourist place.

  • Features of Billerby Palace in Istanbul

One of the reasons we go to see the palaces is the special architectural features and accessories that are there. Billerby Palace can also be said to have such features that encourage many tourists to visit this palace every year on a tour of Istanbul. Among the features of this palace, we can mention a few; This place is a collection of several palaces that together with the summer houses in which they exist, constitute the complex of Billerby palaces. This complex has a main palace that you can see a beautiful view of the Bosphorus from this palace. The exterior of this palace is covered with white marble and when you enter it, you can see a combination of Eastern and Turkish and sometimes Western decorations.

One of the special features of this palace is that it has sound insulation that its famous architect, Balian, used Egyptian straw reed in the construction of this palace, which has made the walls sound insulation.

  • Architecture and interior of Billerby Palace

Some of the features of the palace or the palace of Billerby were talked about a little, but this palace has architecture and interior design, and what parts does it consist of? It can be said that when you go to visit the complex, you will see a palace facing you, which has two main floors and a basement with a storage room and a kitchen. The palace has a total of three entrances. Inside the palace you will find six living rooms that are decorated with beautiful and eye-catching decorations. In addition to these six living rooms, Billerby Palace includes twenty-six other independent rooms. The thing about the interior of this palace is that on both main floors, there are two separate sections for men and women to use independently.

As for the interior decoration, as mentioned, it is a combination of Eastern, Turkish and Western art, and you can see beautiful chandeliers, beautiful French and precious carpets, unique porcelain and a variety of decorated vases. In one of the living rooms you can see a beautiful pool and fountain that was used to freshen the air in summer.

  • Billerby Palace in Istanbul, more than a resort!

So far, we have learned about the Billerby Palace as a holiday destination, and it is thought that the palace flourished only in the summer and there was no other activity. But it must be said that the old and ancient palaces were not built just for fun, relaxation and fun, and not just because there was a space to build a palace next to a pleasant climate.

In addition to having a section called Gon Sali (which is the same as today’s clubs) with an area of 1500 square meters, this palace was used for celebrations and ceremonies on important days in Turkey and Istanbul, and in the middle of the palace is the tomb of nobles. It can also be seen that due to the proximity of this palace to the waters of the shores of the Bosphorus, it was a place for anchoring the ships of the Ottoman soldiers and army that could easily anchor in this place during the war and if exchanges were needed, it could be done easily.

  • When can you visit Billerby Palace?

Istanbul, Turkey is one of the cities where you can visit a new place every day and visit this beautiful city. As we know, part of the city of Istanbul is located in Asia and another part in Europe, and this has made this city doubly attractive. There are many places of interest in this city, but if you are in this city for a short time and you want to visit the Billerby Palace complex, try to set your schedule so that on days other than Monday and Thursday you can Visit the palace; Because on such days this palace is closed.

We suggest that if you visit this palace in summer, it will be more attractive because the palace complex is located in the eastern and green part of the Bosphorus Strait and has been built for a long time as a summer resort. So seeing Billerby Palace in the summer shows why it is so famous. Therefore, if you are interested in seeing such historical and ancient places, be sure to choose the right time so that you can record the best trip for yourself.

Edib Efendi Mansion

Edib Efendi Mansion - Edib Efendi Yalısı

Adib Effendi Mansion is a historic mansion located in the Escudar district of Istanbul in the Asian part. This building was built in the early nineteenth century and the interior of this mansion, which has a Bosphorus style, has European decorations. Adib Effendi Mansion is one of the most important historical sites in the Eskudar district of Istanbul.

Tiled Mosque

Tiled Mosque - Çinili Camii

The tiled mosque or Orta Valde Mosque is one of the historical monuments of Istanbul’s Skudar district from the Ottoman period. The construction of this historic mosque began in 1638 AD and ended in 1640 AD. This mosque shows the inspirations of Ottoman architecture.

Adile Sultan Sarayı

Adile Sultan Sarayı - Adile Sultan Sarayı

Named after Adeleh Sultan, the daughter of Sultan Mahmud II, this palace is one of the most famous palaces of the Ottoman era, which is located in the Bosphorus. Adele Palace, which is one of the most magnificent palaces in Istanbul, was built and designed in 1861 with the artistic design of the architect of that time, Sarkis Balian. It is said that Adeleh Sultan had a humanitarian spirit and after losing his family, he spent all his property and property for charity and finally in 1916 he turned his magnificent palace into a residence. Although over the years, the palace of Adeleh Sultan suffered a lot of damage due to fire and natural damage, but major reconstructions took place on it, and this is why after many years, its glory has remained constant. Holds and is used to hold various events, meetings and celebrations and ceremonies. The lush and beautiful space around the garden as well as the magnificent architecture of Adeleh Sultan Palace is very ideal for photography and you can certainly have very beautiful souvenir photos in this palace.

Usküdar Balık Pazarı

Usküdar Balık Pazarı

The Scudder Indoor Fish Market is another popular market in the Asian part of the city where all the fish of the season can be found. The Escudar area sells the best fish due to its location along the Bosphorus, and its market is located in front of the pier. From freshly spotted fish to salmon and salmon, all kinds of fish are placed in metal containers or metal showcases. One of its famous stalls is known as the “Kardeşler Balıkçılık” brothers’ fish shop, which you should definitely visit and do not miss the experiences and learnings of its owners.
In this market, you can buy a variety of fish, fresh sausages, spices, pickles. Vendors and customers are reviving the fish market with their bargaining chores

Büyük Çamlıca Hill

Büyük Çamlجاca Hill - Büyük Çamlıca Hill

Even if you have not traveled to Istanbul and only seen pictures of it in various magazines and websites, you will find that part of Istanbul is built on top of the hills adjacent to the Bosphorus. The number of these hills reaches seven. The most famous hill is located in the Asian part of Istanbul and is known as Çamlıca Hill. It is also known as the roof of Istanbul due to its high height compared to other hills.

The height of these hills is so high that they can be seen in most parts of Istanbul and it is not without reason that they are called the roof of Istanbul, but their majesty is more visible when you are around the Bosphorus. On days when the weather is nice, you have an uncontrollable desire to climb a hill. Take the path of the hill and look at this legendary city from the highest point.

When we think of the heights and hills of Istanbul, Buick Chamlija Hill first comes to mind. The famous hill with a height of 268 meters is located in the Escudar area in the Asian part of Istanbul.

  • Why should we go to the Chamlija hills?

In this beautiful hill, the blue waters of the Bosphorus and the Bosphorus Bridge, Galata, Romli Castle, Kandili, Topkapi, Sultanahmet, Adlar Islands and Haidar Pasha can be seen.

On top of this hill, all of Istanbul is under your feet, you can see the Bosphorus Strait, the Golden Horn Bay, the port ships and the Bogaz Bridge at a glance. This place is also very popular among young people and lovers and has become a kind of permanent hangout. If you are a photographer, you have chosen the best part of the city and you will find an attractive shot everywhere you look.
Its lush greenery and open space make it a great place for family outings and picnics.

  • When is the best time to visit the Chamlija Hills?

In the summer, the Chamlija hills are full of busy days and you will see many tourists who are immersed in the cool breeze. If you decide to travel to Istanbul in spring and autumn, be sure to include a visit to this hill in your plan. In these seasons, the weather in Istanbul is very pleasant and the number of tourists is reduced. It is recommended to go to this area at the end of the evening temperature, which you have seen both during the day and to enjoy its pleasant nights to the fullest.

  • Record memories in the form of photos!

The roof of Istanbul is so beautiful that many brides and grooms use the height of this hill and its countless beauties to capture their images. So if you are one of those people who always like to have special photos from your travels, do not doubt that this is the best place because you will have a Bosphorus bridge frame and a beautiful view of Istanbul.

List of neighborhoods in Escudar area

The name of the neighborhood in Turkish The name of the neighborhood in Turkish
Acıbadem Mahallesi Çengelköy Mahallesi
Ahmediye Mahallesi Ferah Mahallesi
Altunizade Mahallesi Güzeltepe Mahallesi
Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mahallesi İcadiye Mahallesi
Bahçelievler Mahallesi Kandilli Mahallesi
Barbaros Mahallesi Kısıklı Mahallesi
Beylerbeyi Mahallesi Kirazlıtepe Mahallesi
Bulgurlu Mahallesi Kuleli Mahallesi
Burhaniye Mahallesi Kuzguncuk Mahallesi
Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Küçük Çamlıca Mahallesi
Küçüksu Mahallesi Küplüce Mahallesi
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Mahallesi Mimar Sinan Mahallesi
Murat Reis Mahallesi Salacak Mahallesi
Selamiali Mahallesi Selimiye Mahallesi
Sultantepe Mahallesi Ünalan Mahallesi
Validei Atik Mahallesi Yavuztürk Mahallesi
Zeynep Kamil Mahallesi

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