Find a job in Turkey

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Find a job in Turkey

Finding a job in Turkey is one of the concerns of many students and professionals to migrate to work in this country; The abundance of job opportunities for skilled and skilled people has made this country suitable for job search.

To work in Turkey, it is necessary to obtain a work permit from the Turkish Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MLSS). If a person succeeds in obtaining a work visa in Turkey, he / she will enjoy benefits such as receiving medical services, a pension, and citizenship after 5 years.

Work situation in Turkey

Employment of people before obtaining residence and Turkish citizenship

Before obtaining Turkish residence and citizenship, people are only allowed to work in private jobs and are not legally allowed to work in government jobs. Turkey, contrary to what most applicants think, does not have a job search visa and a person must live in that country. Receive a job offer. This job offer must be approved by the Labor and Immigration Department of Turkey.

This issue cannot be ignored at all. But as a very important recommendation, we must point out that this country is not suitable for work immigration at all. Because, firstly, the unemployment rate in this country is high.

Work situation in Turkey

Considering that it is about 10.3%, this figure shows that finding a job in Turkey will not be easy. The unemployment rate Turkey in 2023 .
Working hours in Turkey are usually from 8 am to 5 pm and the average total working hours per week is about 45 hours per week. Fluency in Turkish is essential to finding a job and communicating.

Average salary in Türkiye

In general, the average salary in Turkey is 45 TRY per hour, which varies according to level of education, work experience, job skills and city of work; For example, the average salary in Turkish metropolises is higher than in other cities (although the cost of living in these metropolises is also higher), and the average monthly salary for government jobs is usually 5% higher than for private jobs.
Work situation in Türkiye

Staying through work in Turkey

According to Turkish law, a person can apply for a work visa in two ways, the first way is to receive a job offer from a Turkish employer and the second way is to establish a company in Turkey.

The process of obtaining a work visa is that after receiving a job offer from the employer, the person first submits his work visa application to the Turkish Embassy, in the next step, the Turkish employer sends the necessary documents to the Ministry of Labor in Turkey and your application Will be checked and the result will be notified to you by phone or email.

Validity period of work visa

It should be noted that the validity period of the work visa depends on the time of the contract through the employer’s offer. Before applying for a work visa, it is better to pay attention to the jobs that are in short supply in Turkey; Some jobs, such as teaching French, piloting, submarine welding, seasonal workers, and programming, are more likely to be licensed, and each license is specific to a particular job. To obtain a work visa, the following documents must be submitted to the embassy:

Necessary documents to obtain a Turkish work visa

  • medical documents
  • Identification documents
  • Degrees
  • Valid international passport
  • Resume and work experience
  • Valid language certificate
  • Job offer from a reputable company employer

Types of work visas in Turkey

It is not possible to work and live legally in Turkey 2020 without a valid work visa and work permit; The key to applying for this visa is to have a job offer from a Turkish company. It is the Turkish employer who must apply for a work permit (equivalent to Turkish residency) from the Turkish Ministry of Labor. The jobseeker must then apply to the embassy for a Turkish work visa; Under these conditions, Turkish work visas are issued to applicants in two ways:

  • Turkish Temporary Work Visa (valid for 1 year but renewable)
  • Unlimited work visa (with unlimited validity or permanent residence)

An 8-year residence permit in Turkey is required to obtain an indefinite work visa in Turkey. The following table shows the details of a Turkish work visa:

Type of work visa or Calişma Izini
Turkish Ministry of LaborSocial Security MLSS
Visa application reference from outside and inside Turkey, Turkish Embassy and Local Police Department
1 year credit(renewable)
Application fee$ 1000 (US dollars)

Ways to find a job in Turkey

There are three ways to find a job in Turkey, including receiving an invitation to work from a Turkish company, visiting websites, looking for work in magazines and newspapers, and finding employment agencies in Turkey. In the meantime, going to employment agencies is the easiest way to find a job in Turkey, which many students and foreigners go to find part-time or full-time work.

With the official permission of this country, these institutions have a list of the most up-to-date cooperation requests from employers, which you can check for more information on the websites of each of them on a daily basis and find a suitable job.

The most important job search websites in Turkey are:

Are the job seekers in Turkey inviting you to work online?
Are they trusted??

The role of resume in finding a job in Turkey

Prepare a strong and concise resume (CV) that includes work experience, skills and education and is essential for job seekers in Turkey. In addition to providing a strong and concise resume, people increase their chances of finding a job. One of the benefits of getting a job with a tourist visa is that by reading newspapers and magazines or job search websites, people can go to public or private companies in person and by submitting their resume and program description and records, they have a chance to receive a job offer from the employer. To upgrade.

Individuals can apply to the Turkish Embassy for a job offer from a Turkish employer, a process that usually takes 1 month. If the Turkish embassy agrees with the person, she will be introduced to the Turkish employers. After concluding a contract with the desired employer, you can receive a work permit in this country. If a person works in this country continuously for 3 years, he / she can apply to become a Turkish citizen.


Working age conditions in Türkiye

In Turkey, legally, a person who is less than 15 years of age is not able to work and their employment is strictly prohibited. Labor and employment laws in Turkey set the minimum age to start work at 15 years. For this reason, people who are under this age are not allowed to enter the workforce and do official and legal work in the country. This restriction is set with the aim of protecting the rights and comfort of children and teenagers and preventing their abuse in the workplace.

To find a job in Turkey, you must meet conditions such as education level, expertise and profession, Turkish language skills and work experience. But one of the most important conditions for finding a job is your age in Turkey. The best age range to work in Turkey is between 18 and 40 years. If you are over 40, finding a suitable job can be difficult, but not impossible. The reason for this age limit is that people in this age range have the best physical, mental and mental condition and can better cope with the work problems encountered.

The amount of salary in Türkiye

The minimum wage of Turkey implemented in 2023 was determined by the Minimum Wage Determination Commission in December 2022. The net minimum wage announced after the commission meeting was 8,506.80 liras on December 26, 2022.

A new minimum wage was announced that directly affects more than 7 million employees and indirectly all citizens.

In a press conference held in Beştepe, the President of Turkey announced the minimum wage in 2023 as 8,506 liras. Based on this, the minimum wage has increased by 54.66% compared to July and by 100% compared to the beginning of the year.

The new minimum wage will be effective from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The president announced that in case of an unexpected situation, they can make temporary arrangements like this year.

Net minimum wage account (TL/month)Calculated in Lira
minimum wage10.008.00
SGK PRIMİ – insurance premium 14%1,401.12
SSI PRIMI – insurance premium 14% PRİMİ – Unemployment Insurance 1%100.08
Total deductions1,501.20
Net minimum wage8,506.80


Finding work for immigrants in Turkey

Although some jobs, such as working in hospitals, skilled jobs, and government offices in Turkey, are not licensed, there are some jobs that have a good job market for foreigners. One of these jobs is teaching English in Turkey, teaching English in Turkey is something that has created many jobs for students studying in this country and others every year.

Applicants can be employed by presenting official documents and teaching certificates. It should be noted that part-time work is also available in Turkey, especially in the field of tourism throughout the country, which is suitable for immigrants.

According to Turkish laws, you cannot enter the country with a tourist visa and then apply for a work visa. To follow the legal path, you must first receive a job offer from an employer and then obtain a work visa through the Turkish Embassy in Iran.

Turkish Legal Laws 2023 and latest Turkish citizenship changes

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